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Project office

The activities of the Project Office are aimed at studying and implementing advanced practices to enhance the competitiveness of higher education and science. Within its framework, the Office performs the following tasks:

1) development of the Kazakhstan model of academic excellence;

2) collection, analysis, study and dissemination of information on international best practices for ensuring the competitiveness of higher education, implementation of academic excellence initiatives to create Centers of Academic Excellence (hereinafter referred to as CAE) and ranking organizations of higher and(or) postgraduate education (hereinafter referred to as OHPE);

3) analysis and evaluation of OHPE projects to improve competitiveness and create a CAE;

4) monitoring the implementation of the academic excellence program, including the implementation/non-implementation of target indicators and key performance indicators of OHPE;

5) ensuring network interaction of OHPE participating in the academic excellence program, as well as interaction with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the MSHE);

6) assistance in organizing the resource support of OHPE participating in the academic excellence program;

7) participation in the Joint Economic Research Program for the creation of a CAE;

8) analysis and evaluation of projects of development programs, competitive applications of OHPE for program-targeted and grant funding for scientific research;

9) development of methodology and creation of a research center for 10 OHPE s)          participation in the automation of information processing and calculation of OHPE ratings;

11) participation in the creation of an online service for OHPE ranking and the formation of digital openness in higher education;

12) participation in ensuring international cooperation and interaction with global organizations in the field of academic excellence and OHPE ranking;

13) assistance in the creation of endowment projects for the development of OHPE rankings funds and organization of their activities;

14) development of draft legal acts on endowment funds;

15) development of methodological recommendations for effective asset management of endowment funds and increasing investment income.


The Office implemented following projects:

The project "Creation of Centers of Academic Excellence" It is aimed at improving the international image and competitiveness of higher education institutions, forming a research and innovation ecosystem of universities.

Work is underway to create a CAE on the basis of 20 HTEIs, including 15 regional and 5 pedagogical ones.

The Ministry, together with the Project Office and the World Bank, has developed the Kazakhstan model of academic excellence, which covers the educational and research activities of universities, as well as the management system and implementation of the third mission of universities. Universities plan to achieve concrete results in each of these areas.

Order No. 127 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 26, 2024 approved Methodological recommendations for the establishment of centers of academic excellence on the basis of HTEI of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Methodological recommendations define the procedure for implementing the academic excellence program, the main directions, criteria and mechanisms for creating academic excellence centers (hereinafter referred to as CAE) on the basis of HIA. The Guidelines also define a model of academic excellence that includes the following areas:

1) academic excellence in educational activities;

2) academic excellence in research activities;

3) academic excellence in management (Good Governance);

4) academic excellence in the implementation of the third mission of universities.


Project "National Rating of higher and postgraduate education organizations in Kazakhstan"

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan is creating the National Rating of Organizations of Higher and Postgraduate Education — the country's first digital platform for evaluating and ranking organizations of higher and postgraduate education.

The purpose of the National Rating is to provide objective information to key stakeholders based on a comprehensive assessment and identification of key areas of development of the higher and postgraduate education system in Kazakhstan.

The development of the National Rating was carried out in partnership and was accompanied by expert discussions with representatives of the global ratings QS and Times Higher Education.

Methodology of the automated system "National Rating of higher and postgraduate education organizations" approved by Decree of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 126 dated March 26, 2024.

The methodology is based on a combination of indicators used both at the national level and in international practice: reputation, academic and research excellence, career prospects of graduates, internationalization, management effectiveness and sustainable development.

Based on the results of the ranking, a subject rating, a rating based on research activity and career prospects of graduates will also be formed. These products will allow users to compare and evaluate universities and make informed decisions to interested parties (students, parents, universities, government agencies, employers, etc.).

The national rating will be generated in digital format, which will allow forming an array of data for further analysis and decision-making at the national level. The rating will also allow universities to build development strategies based on the array of data on their main areas of activity, assess their competitive advantages in comparison with others, and determine points of further growth. In general, this approach will contribute to the further digital transformation of the higher and postgraduate education system in the country.

Currently, the rating methodology is being tested and technical solutions for integrating various information systems are being implemented. The launch of the National Rating is planned in the fall of this year.


Project "Creating endowment funds"

In his Address to the People of Kazakhstan dated September 2, 2022, the Head of State set the task of creating endowment funds as "a key link in the development of the educational ecosystem".

In world practice, endowment funds have become the basis for sustainable financing of science and innovation in the best universities in the world. An endowment fund is an endowment fund created by the founders to generate investment income directed to the fund's statutory goals – financial support for the beneficiary organization in certain areas of activity.

Keyе features of endowment funds:

- Depositors retain ownership of their deposits. Stakeholders are a whole network of university graduates, former employees, philanthropists, corporations, etc.

- Permanent transfer of funds received from endowment management to the organization.

- An indefinite horizon for the functioning of the fund and its funds (the fund cannot spend a "premium" or the amount of investments, but only the income received from its investment).

- The endowmentfund is independent and unaffiliated with the management of higher education institutions.

Unlike charitable foundations, donations to an endowment fund are not spent; they are accumulated, invested in financial instruments, and multiplied.

The advantages of endowment funds for universities are related to the following aspects:

1) these funds ensure the long-term financial stability of the institution. The idea that the fund spends only profit on invested funds and donations generates a stable inflow of additional capital for many years to come.

2) funds enable universities to allocate their own additional targeted assistance to students in need and cover other social obligations.

3) the funds encourage innovation and development of university science through a steady flow of funds for updating the research infrastructure.

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education jointly with the Project Office developed 2 draft laws On Endowment Funds" and "On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the activities of endowment funds", which are currently being considered in the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.